United Kingdom
🇬🇧 English (UK)
🇺🇸 English (US)
🇪🇸 Spanish
🇮🇹 Italian
🇩🇪 German
🇸🇦 Arabic
🇫🇷 French
👫 Can create couples content
👧👦 Has kids
🐶 Pet(s) ↗

Hello! I’m Mia have been creating content as a hobby for over 5 years!

Portfolio - http://miacusdin.com

Confident and positive with clear articulation in English language, essential for communicating and connecting with an audience.

I’m interested in all things health, wellness, aesthetic lifestyle, beauty and eco-friendly. I love to work with brands with aligned values to mine as I then believe in the product and can create a genuine positive review. 

I have 2 years of professional in-house content creation experience so I know what features brands are looking for in order to stop customers scrolling and convert to sales.

If you’re looking for high quality, authentic and compelling content that tells your brand’s story then I’d love to hear from you :)

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