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👫 Can create couples content
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🐶 Pet(s) ↗

I am Cristina, an Italian Paris-based content creator. I'm 28 y.o. and I’ve been creating content for myself for over 5 years and last year started to work with brands too. I have a marketing background and understand what it takes to make a converting piece of content.  The brands I've collavorated with say that I am really able to bring a brand's message to life in a way that is both relatable and engaging!

I’m extremely passionate about skincare, travel, health and wellness.  I desire to work with brands that are also mission-focused and want to make the world a better place. When I buy something for myself I tend to look at their creation process and how sustainable the products are. Health for me is not just in body but mostly in mind and spirit. I am slightly obsessed with getting better each day - this includes meditation, self-development practices, yoga, and working out.

I speak four languages (italian, english, french and spanish) however my followers are mostly Italy-based.  I’m an avid traveler and digital nomad, indeed I run different online businesses, while I also pursue my career in Neuroscience research. On my social media, I talk about myself, my way of living, how to live a more enjoyable life, and why not how to make money from your smartphone: this is what my community is passionate about!

For reference, my portfolio is linked here below:

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