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👫 Can create couples content
👧👦 Has kids
🐶 Pet(s) ↗

Hi I’m Vikki a mum of 5 from 1-11yrs and I live in beautiful yorkshire! I love fashion, make up and beauty and photography/creating content is my biggest passion, my house is a busy household of 7 including the children, me and my fiancée! We sadly don’t have pets so that is one niche I can’t currently cater for 

I used to have a make up blog so feel I can create great sounding content and I also then was on YouTube so I feel confident talking to a camera and getting the main points across in a confident and precise way!

I have worked with many brands over different categories from parent/child, beauty, jewellery, fashion over to fitness and I’m open to all new ideas!

As well as been a parent so able to confidently showcase and talk about baby products will a good knowledge, I am also a make up artist and trained beauty therapist so again can talk about these things with experience and FINALLY I was also a jeweller for a few years so have lots of experience for jewellery brands and know how to sell and showcase jewellery pieces to their full potential! 

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