United Kingdom
🇬🇧 English (UK)
🇺🇸 English (US)
🇪🇸 Spanish
🇮🇹 Italian
🇩🇪 German
🇸🇦 Arabic
🇫🇷 French
👫 Can create couples content
👧👦 Has kids
🐶 Pet(s) ↗

I'm Jess an Aussie who has made the big move to UK. While on paper I am law student in reality I cannot get enough of this beautiful planet we call home, and I have major passion for travel and story telling. 

Through UGC I create high quality authentic content which allows me to connect and resinate with your desired audience. No matter the type of content I create I love tailoring it to your unique brand's needs to elevate your social media presence and drive sales. I bring a fresh perspective to every video I make, I explore ideas outside the box, while incorporating my own personality and creative touch!

I look forward to working with you to take your UGC game to the next level!

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