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🇺🇸 English (US)
🇪🇸 Spanish
🇮🇹 Italian
🇩🇪 German
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🇫🇷 French
👫 Can create couples content
👧👦 Has kids
🐶 Pet(s) ↗

Finding content creation has been life changing. I absolutely love how much growth it has brought me. I have worked with some exciting brands which I am super grateful for, as each one has taught me so much and given me experience to use going forward. I would love to be part of your brands vision. The creative part is the best, researching and spending time finding out what the product means to you, how it could work for your audience and showcasing it in my own unique way. I love all things self care, health and wellbeing, anything that will make life easier with 3 children, looking and feeling good, I am a major foodie lover and I love a nice cocktail. Life is for living and living well so lets make the most of it!

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